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🥇 This is that the information on the housing subsidies that you must handle once you have been selected as a beneficiary of the same 🙂

Subsidy of housing

Subsidy of housing : If you happen to be selected in any of the housing subsidy programs granted either by the compensation funds or by the State, you must handle certain information that is essential so that you do not make mistakes and can bring you complications in the future, here we leave you all the information you need .

In this way you have to make use of the housing allowance

Housing subsidies are solely and exclusively for the purchase of the home, whether it is new or used, in the event that you want to acquire the new home, keep in mind that it must belong to the projects declared eligible, which means that you must bear in mind that these must have not only technical but legal feasibility and must also have their respective construction license.

On the other hand, the type of construction must be on its own plot of land that has its respective legalized deed and that the plot of land is not located in areas that are decreed as risky, in the event that it was decreed as a zone high-risk housing construction will not proceed.

✅  In the case of houses that require home improvement, they must have real deficiencies in basic aspects and really essential services. 🤓

If the plot of land where the house or the house to which the improvement is to be built is to be built is under a mortgage, only the bank must give the authorization which will be issued in writing in which it will state that the can perform either improvements or construction

Lectura de Interés:   🙂 Learn about some Home Savings Tips that will surely help you Subsidy of housing 🥇

🔥  Did you know that you have a set period to make use of the subsidies granted Subsidy of housing 🤑

In fact, once you are selected as a beneficiary of the housing subsidy, by law you have a term of 12 months, which can be extended for 12 more months to make use of the subsidy as long as it has the approval of the board of directors of the Family Compensation Fund

✨ If you do not know how to collect the subsidy here we will tell you Subsidy of housing 💥

Once selected, you must make the payment to the bidder of the project that gave you the possibility of acquisition, this can be done through a registered deed in which certain fundamental aspects must be considered such as: the net value of the subsidy received with date, the Deed must contain the complete data of the members of the family nucleus, it must include the prohibition to sell or rent the house for approximately 10 years.

Keep in mind that once you are selected as a beneficiary of the subsidy, you cannot make any type of change regarding the conformation of the family nucleus, the way to make the payment of the subsidy effective is by presenting the documentation required by the entity that will carry out the disbursement or submit the bank policy for the advance of resources.