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🙂 Encourage yourself to know the forms of family housing subsidy offered by Subsidy of housing 🥇

Subsidy of housing

Subsidy of housing :  The  housing subsidies opens the possibility that you can not only opt for the benefits of subsidies for the acquisition of housing but also for the construction and improvement of housing, which allows many families to benefit from each of the plans consisting of in the following:

🤓 Colsubsidio subsidies for housing construction Subsidy of housing ✅

Those who wish to qualify for this benefit must have their own land either in the name of the beneficiary of the subsidy or of any of the relatives that make up the family nucleus, which must be suitable for the construction of the desired home, it is important that the possible beneficiaries take into account that the value of the subsidy will depend on the location where the land is located.

In the case of land in rural areas, the subsidy can reach an approximate value of 55 minimum wages, which means that you can obtain around 14 677 units for the construction of the house.

While in the case of rural housing, the subsidy can reach approximately 18 minimum wages, for an approximate of 4800 usd

🔥  Colsubsidio subsidies for home improvement Subsidy of housing 🤑

This type of subsidies from Colsubsidio can be used for the improvement of either the structure or the services, such is the case of the kitchen, bathrooms, electricity system, or water duct system, improvement of the floor, in case of the structure presents deterioration for the reinforcement of the same.

Lectura de Interés:   🙂 Did you know that Subsidy of housing offers housing subsidy 🥇

In the case of rural homes, the value of the Colsubsidio subsidy can reach an estimated 16 minimum wages, which would be an equivalent of around 4200 usd approximately.

It shows that for urban homes the value of the Colsubsidio subsidies can reach an estimated 18 minimum wages, which would be an equivalent of approximately 4850 usd.

💥  Colsubsidio subsidies for the acquisition of housing Subsidy of housing ✨ 😂


This type of home acquisition takes into account low-income housing (VIS), which can reach a credit value of approximately 150 minimum wages, which would be an estimate of approximately 40,070 usd, while priority-interest housing (VIP) can reach the credit value of around 90 minimum wages, estimating an approximate value of 24,040 usd.

As you can see, you can choose any of the Colsubsidio subsidies that you need and begin to improve your standard of living through social housing acquisition programs, you only have to meet the requirements that Colsubsidio requests to be able to make the respective application and follow the necessary procedure so that you can be the beneficiary of this benefit.

If you want more information you can consult our post there you will find the requirements that are required for each of the subsidies offered by Colsubsidio and other entities that are responsible for providing this type of social contribution.