Subsidy of housing : One of the contributions that the Colombian government has launched as the development of a government plan in order to guarantee the social rights of the elderly, is the elderly plan, which seeks to improve the quality of those who do not have access to the necessary resources to be able to maintain a decent quality of life.
It is important that older adults who intend to do the processing in order to be possible beneficiaries should take into account that there are two types of subsidies within the older adult plan, such as direct and indirect financial aid or subsidies.
🤓 The main characteristic of the first of them is that they are grants which are received in ✅
bank accounts and the second consists of the support of the most necessary inputs required by the elderly, so you can opt for any of the two modalities that have this type of subsidy.
These are the requirements that are required to qualify for the benefit available to the national government through the senior plan
🔥 In order to carry out the process, it is necessary for older adults to meet the following requirements: 🤑
1. The applicant must have Colombian nationality
2. If not, you must have been living within Colombian territory for approximately 10 years.
3. A fundamental requirement is that in the case of men they must be around 59 years old and in the case of women the allowed age is approximately 54 years.
4. Another fundamental aspect is that the elderly must be from the vulnerable population that does not have enough resources to have a better quality of life, such as the following cases:
You do not have the possibility of receiving financial aid from any other party.
If you have income, these cannot exceed half of the current legal minimum wage
Being in a street situation
Live in extreme poverty
That they are under the protection of the welfare centers for the elderly
That they attend as users of the day centers
That they do not have social security
✨ Let them live off public charity Subsidy of housing 💥
If they find you within the group and you meet all the requirements, what you must do is attend the mayor’s office of the municipality to which you belong or the office of the elderly, there you must present the identity card in original document and a copy which must be printed at 150% scale and start the filiation process, once this procedure has been carried out the entity will proceed to carry out the corresponding study in order to corroborate the information and if it is true, they will proceed with the allocation of the subsidy of the elderly plan, you can start processing it the moment you decide.