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🙂 Look at these are the requirements for INFONAVIT housing subsidies 🥇

Subsidy of housing

Subsidy of housing : One of the options that is currently providing housing solutions are housing subsidies, today there are many institutions that are registered in subsidy programs, among them INFONAVIT can be mentioned, a few months ago it was heard that this institution did not would provide the possibility of granting subsidies, the news was denied when they announced the increase in the percentage of subsidies, opening the opportunity again for Colombians to be able to opt for their own home through this aid system.

🤓  If you are interested in applying for an infonavit housing subsidy, keep the following in mind Subsidy of housing ✅

INFONAVIT offers workers the opportunity to acquire a home, this type of subsidy will depend fundamentally on the amount of income that the worker receives on a monthly basis, another important point that this institution takes into account is the score that the home meets that the Applicant wishes to buy, this score is evaluated depending on the area where the property is located.

🔥 Know the requirements for INFONAVIT housing subsidies 🤑

All workers who are interested in applying for the housing subsidies offered by INFONAVIT must meet the following requirements:

 Be of legal age and have the nationality

 The worker’s salary must be below 300 USD

 The applicant must have a savings in the housing subaccount of at least approximately USD 390

 It is essential that the applicant does not own a property

 The applicant cannot have previously been a beneficiary of this type of subsidy by any entity

Lectura de Interés:   🙂 See the information on housing subsidies to apply for 2019 Subsidy of housing 🥇

 The credit granted by this entity is for the exclusive use of home purchases

 INFONAVIT will approve the credit to people who have not been previously approved credits in this entity.

 The amount of the subsidy will be estimated at approximately 2,600 USD.

 The home that the applicant wishes to acquire must be registered in the single housing registry, and in the same way it must be within the containment perimeters of urban

✨ Subsidy of housingareas that INFONAVIT has established. 💥

 To be eligible for the INFONAVIT housing subsidy, workers must start the process through the website of this entity and prequalify themselves, during this process they will indicate if you are an eligible candidate or not to opt for the housing subsidy

Once you meet the requirements, if the platform tells you that you are one of the eligible candidates, you must go to this entity and formalize the process, for them you must meet the requirements and submit the documentation required by INFONAVIT, the next step you must To do is choose the home you want to acquire, for this you must take into account the observations that the entity makes so that you can find the home within the established perimeters.

 Do not miss the opportunity to apply for the subsidy and in this way you can buy your own home.