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🥇 Increase sales with smart product descriptions Online English courses with certificate 🙂

Online English courses with certificate

Online English courses with certificate : In an online store , the description of a product plays a very important role.

So when writing the description of your products, a simple, dry presentation of its technical characteristics is not enough, but you should make it desirable and even necessary for the user!

🤓 Here are some tips to increase your sales Online English courses with certificate. ✅


Writing product descriptions that sell Online English courses with certificate. Your goal should be a text that will increase the interest of your customer, to the extent that he wants to buy it!

Follow the technique  Features – Advantages – Profit  based on the following steps:

1. Presentation of a product feature

e.g: this PC has the new AMD Phenom II multi-core processor

this baby t-shirt is a fai-trade product and is made from organic hypo-allergenic materials & dyes

This tool was made by a professional with many years of experience in the field

2. Revealing the advantage of the feature

🔥  Online English courses with certificate  for example: 🤑 ⌚

Phenom II combines high processing power, quiet operation & low power consumption

for this, our t-shirt is really soft and durable and has vivid colors

so the tool is carefully designed with quality materials and based on the needs of the user

3. Profit display for the user

💥   Online English courses with certificate  for example: ✨

your PC will run quietly, much faster without getting stuck, while it will burn less power!

which means that your child will not develop allergies while contributing against child labor!

Lectura de Interés:   🥇 Compatibility with Browsers & Devices Online English courses with certificate 🙂

Online English courses with certificate  you will definitely do your job and you will not have to replace it for a lifetime!


🔥  How Online English courses with certificate many features to display? 😂

Highlight the best and most important features of the product, highlighting the emotional and personal gain that the customer will have if they buy it.

Prefer to project three characteristics since the triads of sentences, thoughts, etc. are better etched in the memory and affect the emotion more. For example:

Very fast, quiet and Online English courses with certificate  small in size

Economical, durable and original

Reliable, easy to use, specially designed

Facilitate & seek to sell the product

Having Online English courses with certificate  prepared the ground for the customer to make the move, we should  encourage and facilitate the visitor to buy the product immediately .

So next to each of your Online English courses with certificate products you should have put a button or a link to order it. Use an active word like Buy it now! or Direct purchase.

So you will achieve increased sales in your e-shop, writing product descriptions that highlight the advantages of the product and the personal profit for the user who will buy it.

The advertising with Google AdWords is a service for targeted advertising in Google’s search results, where you pay only if someone clicks on your ad, not just for displaying. This ad model is called Pay Per Click (PPC).

Allows you to create text ads or image banners that will appear when the keywords you define are included in a user’s google search.

Lectura de Interés:   ✨ How to profit from Khamsat Online English courses with certificate 💥

Advantages of Google AdWords.

1. Target advertising

to too many online users, in specific countries, for specific keywords and only to those who are currently searching for those keywords.

2. Immediate results since

the activation of the campaign is immediate and is exposed to hundreds of users. If you find the weaknesses of your site, you will dramatically increase your sales. 😀

3. Complete control

with statistics on the performance of your ads, clicks, visitors that send you to your site, etc. and setting the maximum ad cost per day / click.

So let’s do the Creating your first Google AdWords account and campaign together!