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✨ Marketing content creation Online English courses with certificate 💥

Online English courses with certificate

 Online English courses with certificate : Concept of content. Online English courses with certificate.  The difference between creating content and marketing content.

History of marketing content creation.

Online English courses with certificate Content Marketing Books.

 The most important courses in the marketing content industry.

 For successful content marketing.

Concept of content

We are all now noticing the spread of the word content significantly in social media platforms, especially after the marketing link with digital marketing witnessed by the concept, which raised its absorptive capacity without insight into the conceptual dimensions that the word carries.

Before we talk about «content creation», let’s take a quick look at the concept of «content-content».

🔥  Online English courses with certificate  According to » The Word Factory «: 🤑

Content is the presentation of information in a specific form and purpose, to a specific audience on a specific platform

🤓 As you note, Online English courses with certificate  the definition includes five main elements: ✅






The audience

the information:

Providing information in the content is connected to the recipient and the maker at the same time, so it is not important to provide clear ideas if they are not of interest to the recipient and provide answers to his questions and needs, so the information is only answers to what is going on in the mind of the recipient and what he needs to know, no less or more.

the shape:

It is the way in which you will display the content, whether through video, pictures, articles, emails, infographics , movies, etc. Under each particular figure, minute details are presented to you later.

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 Why are we creating this content, and what is the recipient’s expected reaction as they interact with your submission. We obtain successful and effective content mainly related to the desired goals and the extent to which what you provide matches this goal.

Platform or channel:

It is the space in which the content is placed after it is in its fullest form, we will not, for example, publish specific content in Instagram if our target audience is on LinkedIn and vice versa.

Each platform has its own content.

The audience:

Determining the target audience before starting to create content is very important, to know the appropriate way to communicate information to this audience, what are their needs, and to identify the personality of the buyer (the reader) and direct it through the content that you will create.

The difference between content creation and marketing content creation

As you can see in the definition, every element of the definition is complementary to each other, something that comes out of what we see now from the content circle, and we cannot easily classify everything we encounter with creative content, or purposeful content.

OK; It is very important to recognize the difference between the content industry in general and the marketing content industry, especially as we mentioned above that the association of the word content with the commercial side makes each content marketing content and vice versa, as most people now do not distinguish between them.

According to the definition that we presented in the past, the job of creating content ends after submitting and publishing certain content, whether on social media platforms, blogs, magazines, mailing lists..etc.

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But the marketing content is linked to the public and more results, the same as it was confirmed by Michael Brenner Michael Brenner in an article published in the «Content Marketing Institute».

🥇  Marketing content – to be more precise – is similar to a tool that attracts the audience for a specific brand, the best example of this is Online English courses with certificate :  🙂

 Magazine Red Bulletin Magazine   subsidiary of Red Bull.

They create content intended for the reader, not related to the original product, but their first goal is to Online English courses with certificate become loyal to the brand while you browse the content and interact with it constantly.