Subsidy of housing : like many financial institutions, opens the possibility that Colombian families can opt for loans to buy a home, which is processed as a traditional loan, one of the important aspects that you must keep in mind is that this type of credit establishes a Mortgage on the property that the applicant wishes to acquire, at this point Davivienda allows the applicant to choose the payment system that is adjusted to their monthly income.
Learn about the characteristics of the loans to buy a home offered by Davivienda
😂 Among the characteristics of the loans to buy a home offered by Davivienda are the following: ✅
1. The financial institution has financing plans so that applicants can qualify for loans to buy a home either for social interest housing (VIS) or for homes greater than VIS
2. In the event that the applicant is interested in opting for a loan to buy affordable housing (VIS), they must bear in mind that they must choose an affordable housing (VIS) whose commercial value is not among the 135 legal minimum wages. valid up to 150 legal minimum wages in force
3. Applicants can apply for a loan to buy a new or used home.
4. The bank will provide coverage of approximately 70% of the commercial cost of the home that the applicant wishes to acquire.
5. Regarding the amortization, it can be done in pesos or in UVR, at this point you should bear in mind that as regards the payment modality, it must be done in Colombian pesos.
6. The terms may vary depending on the payment method that the opting party chooses, this means that if the opting party chooses the payment method in Colombian pesos, it has a term between 60 to 240 months, while in UVR the term is 60 to 360 months
7. Mandatory life insurance, total and permanent disability and fire and earthquake insurance
🤑 These are the benefits that Davivienda offers in home purchase loans Subsidy of housing 🤓
One of the fundamental aspects on which the bank focuses is to be able to offer comfort to applicants for loans to buy a home, which is why it offers them the possibility that the optants can choose the term and the repayment system that best adapts to the monthly income that it has, in addition to them they can make partial payments or credits in order that they can cancel the entire credit in the shortest possible time, the payment is
💥✨ Subsidy of housing automatically debited from their account, and finally this The bank 🔥
does not charge for the study of the loan that you want to request, if you are interested, you just have to go to the bank and start the process of applying for the loan to buy a home.