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🙂 List of free online courses 14 tools for editing content and writing perfect content! 🥇

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List of free online courses : An article image of the most important content editing tools in Arabic List of free online courses

The most important content editing tools

If you want your blogs, articles, or posts to drop a free fall,

all you have to do is write a text without reviewing it and with spelling and grammatical errors!

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Whether you are an expert in content writing and creation or an employee of a small company and are

asked to start writing posts for the company’s blog, there is one step

in the content creation process that cannot be skipped at any level:

Editing or what is also called editing content.

You simply cannot risk your credibility and List of free online courses authority by posting a text that is full of grammatical errors or difficult to read.

While it is always ideal to edit your content with professional tools, there are plenty of tools that can help you improve your writing and ensure that your readers (and potential customers) don’t lose the trust of unclear content.

Editing your writing is difficult because your brain already knows the message you are trying to convey, so it is easy for it to skip mistakes without actually seeing it.

This is why it is important to have online resources to correct errors in your text.

These 14 editing and editing tools will help you write awesome, bug-free content.

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* Tip: Don’t edit content until at least three days have passed!

This is the time it takes for the brain’s short memory to erase past information.

Or try getting a friend to help you with the editing process.

🔥  The first tool: Grammarly List of free online courses  🤑

 Grammarly image editing utility


It can be said that Grammarly is the content editing tool most common currently available.

They provide a free browser extension that analyzes the grammar, punctuation, spelling,

style, and sentence structure of everything you type during the writing process.

You can also subscribe with them to get the full service.

This tool is specialized for the English language,

but it will help you in some simple sites in Arabic such as:

spaces, commas, etc.

💥 The second tool: a kaleidoscope List of free online courses ✨

Editorial kaleidoscope tool to help form words in Arabic Kaleidoscope List of free online courses.

I recently stumbled upon this tool and the honesty has such tools that make me proud.

This tool is for the Arabic language and helps you create Arabic texts.

Nothing is perfect!

Due to the difficulty of the Arabic language, especially the formation process,

you will notice an error rate, but it is small and does not exceed 15%.

And like any other technical tool, it is still a problem under development.

Third tool: Evernote


I’m in the office, at home, out with my family or with friends when an idea comes to me, I can jot it down in Evernote and access it from anywhere.

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This is the app I use when I wake up at 3 in the morning with a great idea that’s going to work.

If you don’t have this tool then you are wasting thoughts honey.

😂  The fourth tool: Qotarb List of free online courses. 🔥

I discovered this tool about a few months ago.

Qatrib helps you in conjugating Arabic verbs.

It is only specialized in Arabic and

if you are struggling like me in conjugating verbs, I am sure you will love it!

Fifth tool: meanings

I am a human being and not a machine!

I don’t have the entire dictionary in my head.