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🥇 Completely free blog Online Certificate Programs 🙂

Online Certificate Programs

Online Certificate Programs : Very easy user interface Online Certificate Programs, Ease of creating a blog on Blogger,  Customize and design templates with ease, Online Certificate Programs.

🤓 There are solutions for most problems online Online Certificate Programs ✅

Compatibility with all types of devices

Search engine optimized

Custom blogging designs and templates

Easy to link to Blogger Adsense Blog

Suffice it to say, you will get a blog powered by the giant Google! what do you want more?  

How to create a blog on Blogger

When talking about how to create a blog on Blogger, we are talking about the easiest ways to create blogs almost online. To explain how to create a blog on Blogger, especially creating a new blog on Blogger, I will summarize this through simple steps with pictures to make things simpler:

Time required:  10 minutes.

Steps to create a blog on Blogger

Go to the Blogger site

Visit Blogger in Arabic Blogger

Create your blog

Click the Create Your Blog button, make sure you have an email account on Gmail and then log in by entering your email and password

Blog name

Choose a name for your blog on Blogger and then click the Next button at the bottom of the box that appears

🔥  Choose a title for the link to your blog  Online Certificate Programs 🤑

Choose a URL for your blog’s link (URL link) and then click the Next button

Choose the name shown

You can choose how you want the blog name to appear on your blogger to your followers and then click Finish

Lectura de Interés:   🥇 You start writing articles Online Certificate Programs 🙂

Congratulations, now you have a blog on Blogger!

You can take a look at it by clicking on the View Blog button at the bottom of the right-hand menu of the screen.

✨ View the blog Online Certificate Programs 💥

How to design a blogger blog

Now after the process of creating a blog on blogger, you may be wondering how to design a blogger blog? I’ll explain it right away.

But before that, make sure to amend your profile on the blog by adding the full information about you or your business in addition to the visible image or logo. The settings are in the main menu on the right side of the screen, as shown in the pictures below

Click the Settings button in the right menu

Scroll to the bottom of the page to access general settings

Choose a user profile

Select the Settings button and then the user profile

Blogger blog templates

It is important when designing a blog on Blogger is to choose the appropriate layout and template that expresses your personality and unique style.

In Blogger you will find many ready-made templates and designs that are fully  Online Certificate Programs customizable and editable, and any of them can be added to your blog with simple clicks.

These templates are not only designed to look great, Online Certificate Programs they are also designed to work great and are compatible with all devices!

Any blogger template is a ready-to-use blogger template. To start designing the blog, choose the Appearance option in the right-hand menu on the main screen.

Lectura de Interés:   🥇 How to install WordPress on your Hosting package Online Certificate Programs 🙂

Choose the template in Blogger Blog

Choose the template in Blogger Blog

You will see many options on this page.

If you are one of those people and haven’t found a sufficient answer yet, don’t worry! This guide was specially created to answer most of the questions that revolve around creating a blog on the blog in detail and how to properly benefit from this platform,