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🥇 Try List of free online courses to talk about your accomplishments as more than just introducing what you do and what! 🙂

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List of free online courses : As for the text, the main area that you want to allocate is the information section and sometimes it is called the CV. In order for you to create a professional CV for social media, here are these simple rules:

Clarify your keywords and use them for your audience List of free online courses

Use an accent close to your audience  

Explain to the audience why they should follow you

Be unique and elegant

Constant update

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Fifth step: Create engaging content  List of free online courses

Obviously, your social media marketing strategy revolves around the content.

At this stage, you have a clear idea of ​​what you post based on your goals, your brand identity, the preferences of your target audience, and what social media sites you should use.

Content creation can seem a little tricky, as many content creators struggle to find new content! what should I do?

🤓 Here are some ideas for your content strategy List of free online courses:  ✅

Live videos



«Behind the scenes» videos and photos

Reframe relevant content for users of your services

The graphic

GIF images

Audio notation

Interviews with clients

Customer ratings


Still struggling with content creation? Recycle your old content by converting it into a new format!

For example (converting the content of a video clip to written text, or converting a statistic into an infographic)

if you will use Instagram, for example, you can divide the image into smaller parts and upload each image separately so that the full image will be displayed in your feed, or perhaps you can upload multiple images with the same appearance.

🔥 Content is king List of free online courses 🤑

Sixth step: Create a social media content calendar

Make punctuality a top priority when posting when it comes to your social media marketing strategy, consistently posting is key. Of course, this isn’t easy, but you do have to be disciplined with deadlines.

Lectura de Interés:   🥇 What is CDN List of free online courses? 🙂

It is also important to make a plan for the time you will spend each day on each social media site.

Before scheduling your posts, check the best time to post on the social media sites you have chosen. Also check the hashtags and name you want to add for each platform.

To help you, here are some tips about social media posting:

Facebook Facebook – Once or twice a day

Instagram – once or twice a day

Instagram Stories – 7 to 15 stories per week

Twitter Twitter – 3 to 9 times a day

LinkedIn – Once or twice a day

Pinterest – Four to ten times a day

Snapchat – five to 20 times a week

Tik Tok – 4 to 22 times a week

You may also be wondering:

The best time to post a post?

The best time to publish depends on the principle on your target audience as a key factor and what services you provide, but if you want to know the average of the best times in the Arab world, it is as follows:

Facebook Facebook – from 2 to 8 pm on weekdays

Instagram – After 3 PM

Twitter Twitter – After 4 PM to 10 PM

LinkedIn LinkedIn – 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. preferably (Sunday and Thursday)

Pinterest – After 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm

Snapchat – After 6 PM to 11 PM List of free online courses

Tik Tok – after 3 pm to 9 pm

Do not forget to also take care of the weekends (Friday after Friday prayers is a special time in our Arab region)

and make sure you are present on official holidays, holidays, and national and religious occasions.

For best results, do A / B testing for each platform, where you test more than one time to find out the best times to publish posts.

✨ Remember, you must interact with your audience and their comments and respond to them as quickly as possible List of free online courses.  💥

Intensify your presence in Ramadan!

Lectura de Interés:   🥇 Respond if necessary List of free online courses 🙂

The seventh step: evaluate and improve results

Your Social Media Strategy is a very important document for your business and you don’t have to get impressive results on the first try! List of free online courses When starting to implement the plan and by tracking the results, you may find that some strategies do not work as well as you expected, while others work better.

Without continuous analysis of your List of free online courses efforts, you will never know how your campaigns have performed and what has been the most successful campaign. Analysis and monitoring helps you get an overview of your social media activity, clarify things and put them into perspective.

Some tips to keep you informed during the assessment and analysis phase:

Use the polls and ask your audience if you meet their needs and expectations

Setting specific performance standards and indicators in short periods (for example two weeks) and returning to them and monitoring the growth rate

Try new things, new ideas, and monitor the performance

Stay informed of the latest updates for each communication platform

Your business will undergo changes over time, as well as social networking sites, new communication sites appear or the nature of users of these platforms changes, so you must remain alert to these changes and adjust your social media marketing strategy constantly.