Free Online Courses : Plesk Obsidian in DNHOST hosting packages. The new Plesk Obsibian (18.0) is here to take off the management experience of DNHOST web hosting packages with its functionality and updated design. Whether you are a new user of Plesk panel, or you are familiar with its use, you will be thrilled by its new features, the security it offers and its friendly management environment.
But let’s see what has changed from Plesk Onyx to the updated Plesk Obsidian for both end customers with Shared or Semi-Dedicated hosting packages, Reseller hosting owners, and VPS and Dedicated servers (connected to Plesk as administrators).
🤓 Aesthetic & Design Improvements Free Online Courses ✅
The user interface has been significantly improved based on real-world research into Plesk functionality. In particular, special attention was paid to the colors, fonts and alignments of the individual elements to improve the user experience. For this reason the following interventions were made:
Minimizing the left vertical menu can be done more effectively.
The aesthetic display of the search function has been improved.
The interaction environment got rid of clutter and became more user friendly.
The Website & Domains tab has been redesigned with improvements to the tab preview view of the WordPress Toolkit and to view all the domains with the relevant details.
File Management Experience Improvements
🔥 The interventions concern the functionalities of bulk loading and Free Online Courses searching of files and folders in Plesk Obsidian. 🤑
Ability to upload and decompress .RAR, .TAR, .TAR.GZ and .TGZ files.
Search functionality using part of the file name or its contents.
Email Optimizations
Send notifications to users when the limit of 95% of the availability of email disk capacity is exceeded.
Ability to change the email password even if the connection details of the original email are lost. This feature is provided by connecting the email to an external email account so that login details can be retrieved at any time.
Plesk Obsidian Administrator Optimizations
The specific optimizations concern admins who use Plesk Obsidian in the VPS packages and Dedicated server of DNHOST.
Repair Toolbox
✨ Plesk Obsidian Free Online Courses can automatically detect and fix problems in the following ways: 💥
Examining the list of server processes can filter and stop processes.
Considering the use of RAM, CPU and Disks used by the server or in specific processes.
Finding the reason that MySQL consumes resources and more domain is responsible, with the help of the list of MySQL queries and processes.
Examining Network I / O for a process.
Advanced Monitoring & Statistics
Replacing Healht Monitoring with Grafana charts.
Configuration of server and website administrator alerts for resource issues (CPU, RAM, Disk I / O) via email.
Monitoring server and website availability via email.
iOS 14 & Android 11 support for Plesk Mobile
Plesk Mobile now works on iOS 14 and Android 11, notifications are enabled in the initial configuration and the iOS version supports Face ID.
Admin Email Optimizations
Plesk panel administrators can change the password of customers, resellers and users by sending them an automated email with the link of the reset password.
😂 Plesk Backup enhancements Free Online Courses 🔥 ⌚
Optimizations of minimum available space for backup and remote restore. Minimum free disk space required to create or restore backup to cloud Storage (Google Drive, Amazon S3, FTP, Microsoft One Drive). Restoring a single subscription from a full server backup now requires available space equal to that subscription and not equal to the total full server backup. To back up the server to cloud storage, you will need available space equal to two subscriptions instead of the space of an entire server.
Accelerate remote backup storage processes. E.g. Backups stored in the cloud can now be removed 4 times faster.