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🙂 New website coming son Free certificate courses 🥇

Free certificate courses

Free certificate courses : After months of planning, discussions and intensive work, we are close to presenting our new website!

The new version of our website will be available in two languages ​​(Greek, English) and will enable the execution of all orders in real time.

Now the purchase and management of domain names, web hosting packages and SSL certificates is easily done from any device: computer, tablet or laptop.

✅   The friendliest internet service experience coming soon Free certificate courses! 🤓


LamdaHellix Athens-1: the 1st Datacenter in the world with LEED Certification!

Lamda Hellix Athens-1 is the first worldwide data center to  receive  LEED v4 Gold O + M Certification for its green operation and maintenance!

Another distinction for the Datacenter that houses most of the DNHOST infrastructure!

The Athens-1 is the first DC in the world with the certification LEED v4  with certification for the Athens-2 is in development .

The LEED standard from the US Ecological Building Council is the internationally renowned certification system that certifies the design, construction, operation and maintenance of facilities aiming for optimal energy and environmental efficiency.

🔥  US BGC Leed v4 certification levels Free certificate courses 🤑

LAMDA Hellix Data Center operations consultant, Dimitris Kantaros commented:

» Athens-1, the world’s first green certification, shows that our innovative and sustainable data center practices reduce our carbon footprint, protect the environment and bring significant economic benefits to our customers.

We are proud that the efforts of our Operation Team place LAMDA Hellix and Greece among the leaders in green technologies in the data center market «.

Lectura de Interés:   🥇 NGO domain map and ONG domain Free certificate courses 🙂

💥 This certification comes after the number of awards for Free certificate courses Lamda Hellix, in 2015: ✨   

Best Service Provider Data Center in EMEA Award

Bronze Award in Top Branded Export Service

Gold Award in Top Services Company

Facilities Management Award – Silver Award in Energy Management & Certifications Category

Facilities Management Award – Gold Award in Maintenance Category

Responsible Business Awards – SILVER award in the Structured Environment / Green Buildings category for ATHENS 2: The Greenest data center in Southeastern Europe.

Green Synergies Award in cooperation with Schneider Electric

Business IT (BITE) Excellence Awards for Innovative Services

Green ICT-Data Center Award

Athens-2 Data Center was selected as one of the Practices of Sustainable Development, Responsible Entrepreneurship & Social Responsibility, by QualityNet Foundation under the Sustainable Greece 2020 scheme.

EU for 10 years only € 16.18 + VAT

We celebrate the 10 years of operation of the .EU domain and offer the 10-year .EU registration with just 16.18 € + VAT , while at the same time you enter the draw for the ASUS ZenPad S tablet !

On the occasion of the completion of 10 years of operation of .EU domains and the corresponding EURid Register, we make a great offer for a few days: 10-year registration of .EU domain with only € 16.18 + VAT ! At the same time, every customer who uses the offer enters the draw for an ASUS ZenPad S tablet !

Happy birthday .EU!

🔥 Offer terms Free certificate courses: 😂

The offer is valid only for new .EU domains for which we will receive their payment until the end of the offer (16-04-2016), it is valid for all customers and only for a 10-year registration.

Lectura de Interés:   ⭐ Innovation in business models under digital transformation Free certificate courses 🥇

The offer is not valid for renewals and changes of .EU domain.

The offer is not exchanged for cash or credit and cannot be combined with another offer.

For any payment to a bank, it is the customer’s responsibility to inform us in a timely manner by fax, email or telephone. H DNHOST not responsible for late notifications.